

B2B-2013-apres-race-footwearBarefootr.com is all about helping you maximize your barefoot experience of the world; for sharing these experiences, and finding advice about safely exploring the world barefoot or in minimalist footwear.

It comes from the perspective of a life-long, competitive, multi-sport athlete who began experimenting with barefoot/minimalist running at age 44 (2009), and is interested in offering his experiences in exploring this “fad” in both training and racing situations.

Barefootr.com does not push a purist, barefoot-only dogma — one simply cannot always go barefoot everywhere (even in California). However, we can profit from going barefoot when possible and experiencing the natural biomechanics that constitute a major unique feature of our species.

Barefootr.com is about turning more people onto alternative footwear and promoting the use of minimalist (or no) shoes, wearing “only as much shoe as you need” given the terrain, your current training level, and how fast you want to go. It’s about experimenting with alternative footwear for the sake of adding some variety to your life, improving yourself physically, and increasing the enjoyment of your various bipedal activities (walking, running, hiking, biking, etc.).

This site was created on 3 May 2011 by Steve Trutane as a production of TeamHuman.org. Steve has been a barefooter/minimalist runner since Dec 2009 based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He’s a competitive triathlete and still considers himself a newbie barefooter and recovering rear-foot striker. He has no connection to any shoe maker, nor has he written any books on the subject. He intends to use this site to share insights & tips as he continues his bipedal athletic explorations, shod or not.

You can contact Steve via email or tweet him @barefootr.

  1. NakedFeet Martin
    May 4, 2015 at 1:39 am

    Hi Steve!
    Was just alerted to your blog by my WordPress Reader. I’m a permanently de-shoed 24/7/365 barefooter from Germany. Glad to follow you, and keep those feet bare!

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